Our Strategic Vision
The Hammersmith & Fulham Health and Care Partnership is a collective of health, care and wellbeing organisations dedicated to improving health and wellbeing for local people at every stage of their lives, from pre-birth, childhood, working age/adulthood and old age.
The partnership will work with local people to:
Support them to stay well as long as possible and prevent avoidable illness
Support those living with an illness and/or mental health needs
Empower them to look after their own health and wellbeing and live independent lives
Identify and address avoidable inequalities in their health and their experiences of accessing health and care services
Develop trusting relationships and co-produce service changes.
And together we will do this by:
Strengthening our partnership, which includes our primary care networks and local Voluntary and Community sector
Joining up services so that they work better together and avoid people “falling between the gaps”
Using data and insights to better understand the needs of our population
Supporting and encouraging innovation in service development and delivery, striving to have the highest quality of services available to people
Continuously learning and reflecting
Supporting the health and wellbeing of all our staff.
Our Partnership Principles
The Hammersmith & Fulham Health and Care Partnership has agreed the following principles, these are at the heart of everything we do.

Our Priority Workstreams
To deliver on the above, we have the following priority delivery workstreams:
Integrated Neighbourhood Teams (includes Access to health and care services)
Mental health
Tackling health inequalities and implementing a population health management approach
​And two specialist delivery boards:
Children and Young People Strategy & Transformation
Dementia Strategy Implementation
Visit our About Us section to find out more about the Hammersmith & Fulham Health and Care Partnership.

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