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Dying Matters Event

13 Jun 2023

Reflections and photographs

On May 11th at the Parkview Centre for Health and Wellbeing, H&F Health and Care Partners held an awareness event for H&F residents to commemorate the "dying matters” week. It gave the general public a chance to learn about health and social care services that are available to patients in their last phase of life, as well as the support available for their friends and family. Additionally, it provided an

opportunity to meet the professionals who deliver these services. The event included:

1. Information stalls from:

• Marie Curie Hospice

• Royal Trinity Hospice

• End of life Doula Services

• Carers Network

• Age UK

• Central London Community Healthcare (CLCH) District Nursing team

• CLCH Learning Disability team

• London Borough of H&F Adult Social Care team

2. A workshop on “Power of planning ahead” facilitated by Royal Trinity Hospice exploring individual choices when it comes to future care.

3. Compassionate Conversation / Quiet Corner – led by Death Doula and expert hosts to facilitate one to one or conversations in small groups about death, dying and grief.

The event attracted more than 60 people and feedback was very complimentary. In particular, the information booths, presentation, and day's plans received "very good" to "excellent" ratings. Whilst some participants suggested choosing softer words in place of the words "death" and "dying" as they felt the event's name may have discouraged others from attending. For partners, the in person event was a successful networking opportunity, allowing for discussions around potential

collaboration and learning more about the different services on offer.

A sincere thank you to all the residents that attended and the key collaborators that made this event a success.

Photographs of the Event

The Power of Planning Ahead Workshop

Hospices: Marie Curie & Royal Trinity

CLCH District Nursing Team

CLCH Learning Disability Team

End of Life Doula Team

Carers Network

H&F Age UK

LBHF Adult Social Care Team

© 2022 بواسطة Hammersmith & Fulham Health and Care Partnership . 

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